Cloud Gate Dance Theater: Sounding Light
commissioned and collaborated with the Cloudgate Contemporary Dance Company & choreographer Tsung-Lung Cheng
“This formally, aesthetically, and energetically masterful piece depicts the abstracted daily cycle of an ecosystem.”
Die Deutsche Bühne
As was the case for so many people, the Covid pandemic prompted Cloud Gate Artistic Director CHENG Tsung-lung to consider the world around him afresh. During a period of enforced self-isolation in Taiwan, at a time when human activity and noise pollution were at a minimum, he listened to the sounds of the forest -- the insects, the birds, the wind through the trees -- and reflected on the balance between, and the frailties of, human life and the natural environment.
In SOUNDING LIGHT, played out under the arc of the sun shining through clouds and trees over the course of a day, CHENG has integrated sound and dance, but not in the form of a separate soundtrack and performance.
Here, the dancers provide much of the soundtrack as a natural element of their performance as they move to suggest the mating rituals of birds or insect-like contortions so their bodies become instruments. Working with composers LIM Giong and CHANG Shiuan, they utilize voice and breath, the sounds, if not meanings, of Taiwanese dialects, finger clicks, hand claps, the slapping of their bodies, and the stage. From this extraordinary sound palette, the dancers create the impression of the breeze, of insects and birds, of falling rain and of running water, and their bodies - testing the limits of physical and mental focus - ultimately reveal the essence of both the human and natural worlds while simultaneously merging them.
Artist Credits
Concept/Choreography | CHENG Tsung-lung
Music | LIM Giong
Sound and Voice | CHANG Shiuan
Lighting Design | Lulu W.L. LEE
Costume Design | CHEN Shao-yen
Music Director of Cloud Gate | LIANG Chun-mei
Chinese inscription | TONG Yang-tze
National Performing Arts Center –
National Theater & Concert Hall
National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying)
National Taichung Theater
October 1st, 2020. National Theater, Taipei, Taiwan
Other performances:
2020 October 2nd - 4th. National Theater, Taipei, Taiwan.
2020 October 10th - 25th. National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) & National Taichung Theater.
2024 August 24th - 25th. Weimar Kunstfest, Germany.
2024 August 29th - 30th. Dresden Hellerau, Germany.
2025 April 10th - 18th. Cloudgate Theater, Taiwan. | Tickets
2025 May 3rd - 4th. Tainan Cultural Center, Taiwan. | Tickets
雲門舞集 2020 全新作品,藝術總監鄭宗龍和跨界音樂人林強經典組合再現,邀請旅美作曲家張玹及服裝設計陳劭彥合作,再次拓展聲音和身體語彙的全新維度,交疊自然世界的風貌與安謐。
Workshop with dancers
Between the rehearsals at the Cloudgate Theater