CHANG Shiuan


法國著名音樂評論雜誌Classic Agenda寫道「充滿靈性」的旅美作曲家張玹,為美國作曲家論壇(ACF),亞洲文化協會 (ACC),Djerassi FoundationHelene Wurlitzer Foundation受獎人。1989 年生於台北,其作品曾受邀於紐約卡內基音樂廳,林肯中心,芝加哥交響中心,東京三多利音樂廳,,莫斯科愛樂廳,法國 Royuamont,柏林愛樂室內樂廳,日內瓦 Archipel Festival,國家音樂廳等演出。合作過的樂團與指揮家包括維也納音樂家樂團(Tonkunstler Orchestra),印第安納波里斯交響樂團,台灣國家交響樂團,台北市立交響樂團,The Orchestra Now,芝加哥市民管弦樂團,奧爾巴尼管弦樂團,普林斯頓室內合唱團,斯圖加特人聲獨唱團,TANA弦樂四重奏,莫斯科現代室內樂團,Ensemble Multilaterale,指揮大師Péter Eötvös,Gilbert Varga。2020年雲門舞集《定光》擔任聲音暨人聲創作,帶領表演者用身體尋找聲音的共鳴;2021 TIFA 《千年舞台,我卻沒怎麼活過》以及 2021 TIFA《我庒三部曲》擔任作曲。2022年創作改編自龍應台第一本小說《大武山下》之80分鐘清唱劇《緣那麼深,愛那麼淺》。

2016 年創辦音元 Innuan,活躍於紐約,結合空間/藝術/音樂/科技舉辦策展演出。演出策展場地包含紐約哥倫比亞大學祖克曼中心,康乃爾大學強森美術館,紐約普瑞特藝術學院畫廊,義大利現代藝術中心,Fotografiska,紐約百老匯大道等。



Born in 1989, Shiuan Chang is a full-time bean sprout farmer. However, the crops he grows may not always be edible nor necessarily serve as spiritual sustenance. His first memory after birth is walking a toddler walker, a step, a sound. The second "birth" occurred while hand-copying the Heart Sutra. Through the sounds of movement, he aims to let go of distinctions between the past and the future.

Described as "spiritual, light, and comforting" by Classic Agenda (FR), Shiuan is the 2018 Chicago Civic Symphony Composer Prize and the 2021 Asian Cultural Council awardee. In addition, he is the recipient of the 2021 Djerassi Artist Residency, the 2022 Helene Wurlitzer Foundation Residency Grant, and the 2023 ACF|Create.

His recent major productions include "Sounding Light (2020)," collaborating with the Cloudgate Contemporary Dance Company; Two flagship productions of the Taiwan International Festival of Arts: "I-Village (2021)," collaborating with the Sheng-Xiang Rock Band and the National Symphony Orchestra, and "A thousand stages, Yet I have never quite lived (2021)" collaborating with the Peking Opera artist Hei-Min Wei and National Symphony Orchestra, directed by Kengsen Ong; “Fateless Love (2022)” for orchestra, choir, and three singers premiered by National Symphony Orchestra.

Shiuan's music has been performed nationally and internationally at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center Rose Theater, Merkin Hall, Suntory Hall, Jordan Hall, Moscow Philharmonic Chamber Hall, Berlin Philharmonic Chamber Hall, Chicago Symphony Center, Taiwan National Concert Hall, Le Phenix Valenciennes, Royaumont, Weimar Kunstfest, Archipel Festival, Boston Early Music Festival, Grafenegg Festival, and the Bartok Festival. In addition, he has been commissioned and collaborated with the Tonkunstler Orchestra, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan Philharmonic, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, The Orchestra Now, Chicago Civic Symphony Orchestra, Albany Symphony Orchestra, Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble, Asasello Quartett, TANA Quartet, Mivos Quartet, Atlas Ensemble, Ensemble Multilaterale, Ensemble Musicatreize, Earplay Ensemble, Neue Vocalisten Stuttgart, Ekmeles Ensemble, Les Metabole, Princeton Singers, and Orkest de Ereprijs.

Shiuan is active in outreach programs. In 2015, he produced a full-length show to support the Genesis Social Welfare Foundation, and written documentary film score for the Children Are Us Foundation twentieth anniversary documentary film. His first album《Earthing》commissioned by the Dun Ren Psychiatric Hospital was released in 2024 February.

*Updated Oct 2024


For acquiring score or other engagement, please Contact:

email: info@shiuanchang.com
ig: shiuanchang_