張玹 CHANG Shiuan



《安土 Earthing》

The violin-piano duo album was commissioned by Dun Ren Psychiatric Hospital and its visionary founder, Dr. Hu, as a heartfelt dedication to his patients


When I was commissioned to compose for the patients at Dun Ren Psychiatric Hospital, I was in the midst of my own struggles—panic attacks and autonomic nervous system disorders that brought symptoms like tinnitus, neck tension, and palpitations. Normally, I keep my hardships private, as each of us has our own burdens to bear. Yet these experiences became woven into Earthing, a violin and piano duet album imagined for psychiatric patients and reflecting my journey over the past year.

In a way that feels almost like fate—or synchronicity, as Jung would say—these challenges granted my work a new kind of honesty and authenticity. Inspired by the hospital’s founder, Yen-Chung Hu, I initially tried adapting folk songs, but copyright limitations led me to craft new, nostalgic themes. This shift sparked an unexpected inner conflict: how to stay true to my personal (more experimental) style while creating something comforting and familiar for those (mental health patients) in recovery.

As I searched for answers, I returned to my roots in Taiwan, a place shaped by Polynesian, Chinese descendant, Austronesian, Dutch, and Japanese cultures. I realized that being Taiwanese means holding a "multilingual" voice and being able to shift between influences. This understanding helped me reconnect with my creative path and focus on building each piece from a single motif.

The result is Collections of Nursery Rhymes for piano, which blossomed into six new works for violin and piano, forming Earthing. Through these pieces, I hope to offer listeners a sense of grounding, comfort, and a shared journey toward healing.

I-Village Trology




《我庄三部曲》集結《我庄》、《圍庄》及《野蓮出庄》三張專輯,凝視一座樸實的農村在現代化過程中的變與不變。與當代作曲家張玹合作,以西方管弦樂配器架構原有編曲,將數首歌結為一曲,或於不同地方重複出現,使新元素與原歌曲交雜、穿插,產生新的對話。國家交響樂團應生祥樂隊之邀,參與製作協力,由該團 11 位演奏家群出任演出,並邀請單簧管演奏家羅達鈞、薩克斯風演奏家謝明諺等音樂家同台,與生祥樂隊共同演繹充滿境外之音的我庄三部曲。