Songs of Dun Ren

Songs of Dun Ren


For violin and piano duo
Shiuan Chang (composer)

Full score & violin part

I. One More Good Day
II. Cantabile Andante
III. To the Joyful Solitary Wanderer
IV. Farewell
V. Farewell; Adieu
VI. Daydreaming By The Country Road (violin solo)
VII. A Tiny Theater for The BEDs

Duration: 56 minutes

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受委託之初張玹經歷了瘮人的恐慌症發作,導致嚴重的自律神經失調,創作過程於他恰是一段自省、自癒和自知的旅程。作品中的《如歌的行版》、《道別 I》、《道別 II》、《又是美好的一天》和《床上的劇場》等諸曲,不惟是張玹譜寫予第一排聽眾—敦仁病友,亦紀錄自我的持續內在對話與身心重建,遂悟敦仁醫院何以易經「安土敦乎仁」自期。




Songs of Dunren is commissioned by the Dunren Hospital and its founder, Yen-Chung Hu. This musical endeavor is designed to serenade the hospital's patients throughout their daily routines, from waking up in the morning, having breakfast, exercising, taking medicine, having lunch, napping, and going to bed, replacing the traditional verbal and bell sound broadcast.

Each piece within this collection is intricately woven around an original folk tune, nursery rhyme, or old song by the composer Shiuan Chang. These melodies have been decomposed and re-composed into different organic styles related to the original melodies. While the primary intent is to evoke a sense of nostalgia for the patients, it is not solely for therapeutic purposes. Instead, it seeks to connect with their memories, creating a bridge to their past. "Songs of Dunren" also reaches out to those who have encountered trauma, hoping to offer solace and understanding.

More about Songs of Dun Ren and Album Earthing


More Information

Title: Songs of Dun Ren

Year of Composition: 2023

Duration: 56

World Premiere: 6th of December, 2023
Violin | Tatsuki Naruta
Piano | Akiko Mimata
Minato Mirai Recital Hall, Yokohama

Commissioned Work: Commissioned by Dun Ren Psychiatric Hospital and its visionary founder, Dr. Yen-Chung Hu

Best Size: 9 x 12 inches

Discography: Earthing featuring violinist William Wei & pianist Evan Wong

致 喜愛《安土》的朋友們:

專輯收錄的《敦仁之歌》總長約56分鐘,費時將近半年創作並繕打成譜,專輯錄音與製作另再花了半年。樂譜目前為獨立出版,您所支付的 $30 美金的樂譜費用是支持我持續創作最大的動力。




To the Friends Who Love Earthing:

The album includes Songs of Dun Ren, a work approximately 56 minutes long that took nearly six months to compose and engrave. Another six months were dedicated to the recording and production of the album. The sheet music is currently independently published, and the $30 USD fee for the score is a crucial source of support that enables me to continue creating.

The download link for the e-score will remain active for 24 hours. Since it’s impossible to trace unauthorized printing, duplication, or reproduction after downloading, I sincerely ask that everyone who loves this piece encourages other musicians and students interested in performing it to purchase their own copy and show their support.

I am deeply grateful to everyone willing to support Earthing.

Shiuan Chang